Problem Addressed

Currently waste is the fourth largest source sector of emissions, accounting for 3% of total greenhouse gas emissions in 2017, according to Eurostat, and it is estimated that by 2050 the annual global total will double, approaching 3.4bn tonnes, according to the World Bank. How can we prevent usable items from going to landfill and adding to the excessive waste problem whilst at the same time generating societal impact?


Solution Overview

Globechain is a reuse marketplace that connects corporates from the construction, retail, hospitality and office sector with charities, small businesses and people to redistribute unneeded items, reducing waste through reuse and generating ESG data for members. Through reuse, it prolongs the life of the product, eliminating the need for them to be sent to landfill or incinerated and reducing carbon emissions in the process. Globechain offers external reuse, internal reuse and loaning of assets and inventory.

Globechain is providing a circular and digital solution to waste, with an audit trail that ensures transparency, accountability and ethical transactions across their product offerings. Its product solutions are external and internal reuse and loaning. Through internal reuse and loaning, enterprises can reuse and optimise their stock across locations, stores, distribution centres or offices. External reuse gives enterprises access to its global network of members to redistribute their items. All solutions generate ESG data which is used for IPO, credit financing, tax offsets and Sustainability reporting. It calculates not only kilos diverted but also societal impacts, upskilling, employment levels and sector impacts as well as department leases that can then calculate carbon embedded / emissions.

Globechain charge an annual or project fee per location or project for listing unlimited items externally and a monthly fee for internal reuse and loaning. The ROI for enterprises provides a minimum of X2 return on investment. This does not include savings made via tax offsets and the value of the ESG data that is used for credit financing, IPO, share pricing and valuations or even winning tenders or BREEAM points.

Case Study

The Conduit (in partnership with ISG), converted a 7-floor hotel into a private members club and wanted to reuse and repurpose as much as possible. Globechain was tasked to ensure the existing materials from the strip out and pre-demolition audit were reused and helped the client achieve their broader total impact objective. This was a complex project with many requirements including risk assessments, health and safety compliance as well as ensuring collections happened in the time period allocated. 100% of items were reused and collected, totalling over 70 000 kilos being diverted from landfill and the client obtained the highest sustainability score ever. 

Social Impacts Results: 

  • 3,050 items listed 
  • £15,075 savings for charities 
  • 73,818kg re-purposed 

Facts and Figures


This page presents data, evidence, and solutions that are provided by our partners and members and should therefore not be attributed to UKGBC. While we showcase these solutions for inspiration, to build consensus, and create momentum for climate action, UKGBC does not offer commercial endorsement of individual solutions. If you would like to quote something from this page, or more information, please contact our Communications team at

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