Problem addressed

According to the United Nations Environment Programme, building materials contribute 11% of emissions. Yet only a handful of regulations have been introduced to limit embodied carbon in certain European countries. Without relying on government intervention, we need to do more and help the construction sector to do more in a quicker space of time.

The Carbon Leadership Forum’s survey interviewed more than 100 property developers and 44% of them said that they are actively working to reduce embodied carbon in their buildings. A report by the World Green Building Council found that over 80% of surveyed property developers are committed to addressing embodied carbon emissions in their projects.

Overview of start-up

Biotwin’s vision is to see the fabric of every building and structure in the world to be made up of less carbon intensive materials. From wall studs to plasterboards, beams to joists, corrugate to cladding and even screws – building every type of structure with a zero-carbon footprint.

Biotwin’s first innovation is a carbon neutral wall stud made of natural biomass. This unique combination of carbon sequestering plants and bio-resin is the key to achieving carbon neutrality. By using this recipe, we can replace light gauge steel studs in any building project, reducing the embodied carbon across the entire industry.

What makes the start-up innovative?

Biotwin’s secret sauce lies in the combination of the team’s experience in commercialising products and vast experience in the construction and manufacturing sectors. It will design and develop a multitude of products, that are a blend of biomass and recycled waste streams to help decabonise the construction sector.

How the start-up has been designed to scale-up quickly

Biotwin’s team has previously started and scaled businesses, from design studios and fit out companies to online marketplaces and manufacturing. With this in mind, it will continue to add new talent that has expertise in materials and products but also has the commercial nous and innovative thinking.